NEET MDS 2013 Allotment Admission to MDS Courses Kerala

Published on: 30 May, 2013
Published under: Kerala Exam Updates, Kerala Result Updates

Applications are invited from the qualified candidates of NEET MDS-2013 for allotment and admission to MDS Courses, 2013 in the Government Dental Colleges and to the 50% seats available in the Self Financing Dental colleges in Kerala. The selection and allotment of seats including those under Service Quota will be made by the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations through a Centralized Allotment Process [CAP] which is a Single Window System of allotment based on the options submitted online by the candidates, eligible as per Prospectus for admission to MDS Courses 2013, approved by the Government of Kerala.

Eligibility Criteria For Admission To MDS Courses Kerala

Applicant should have passed the BDS degree from any one of the Universities in Kerala or possess a BDS Degree duly recognized by the Dental Council of India from a Dental College duly recognized by the Government of India and who has obtained provisional or permanent registration from any of the State Dental Councils after passing the final BDS examination as equivalent there to with eligibility for full Registration in K e r a l a S t a t e D e n t a l C o u n c i l in respect of all courses. Applicants who have completed one year Compulsory Rotating Resident Internship (CRRI) as per DCI Regulations on or before 31-03-2013 are eligible to apply admission. The condition of one year Compulsory Rotating Resident Internship is not applicable to those candidates who had passed their final BDS Examination on or before 1988 and hold a BDS Degree from a Dental College recognized by the Dental Council of India and have obtained provisional or permanent registration from any of the State Dental Councils Admission to the candidate will be given only after obtaining Registration of Kerala State Dental Council.
Be an Indian Citizen of Kerala Origin.
Age Limit
Upper age limit for general merit candidates will be 45 years as on 30-04-2013. For Service Quota candidates, other than from Medical Education Services Quota,(MESQ) the upper age limit will be 46 years for Post Graduate Degree Courses as on 30-04-2013. For MESQ candidates, upper age limit will be 50 years as on 30-04-2013
Qualifying Criteria
All candidates including service candidates shall have to qualify the NEET(MDS)-2013. In order to be eligible for admission to any Postgraduate Dental Course in 2013, it shall be necessary for a candidate to obtain percentile of 50 and above in NEET (MDS) -2013. However in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC)-the minimum percentile shall be 40. In respect of candidates with locomotory disability of lower limbs, the minimum percentile shall be 45.

Mode Of Selection For MDS 2013 Courses in Kerala

All candidates including Service Quota candidates shall have to qualify NEET MDS-2013 conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS).The candidates who satisfy the eligibility conditions for Admission to MDS courses 2013 and included in the Kerala State Rank List of NEET MDS-2013 alone will be considered for admission to MDS Courses. The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations shall prepare a Merit List and Category List of SC, ST, SEBC and PD for allotment and admission on the basis of the applications submitted by the qualified candidates .The selection of the Service Quota candidates shall be made from the Rank list furnished by the Director of Medical Education and approved by the Post Graduate Selection Committee.

How To Apply For NEET MDS 2013

Fees – All candidates seeking admission to the MDS Courses 2013 can apply in the online application form available from 29.05.2013 (Wednesday) in the website of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations and then remit the required fee at any branches of State Bank of Travancore using the bank chalan available with the printout of the online application. The candidates outside Kerala State can remit the application fee by way of a Demand Draft for the requisite amount, drawn from any nationalized bank in favour of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations, payable at Thiruvananthapuram.Application fee for General Quota and Service Quota candidates is RS.1000/-(Rupees Thousand only) and in the case of SC/ST candidates and those eligible for SC/ST benefits is Rs.500/-(Rupees Five hundred only).Service Quota candidates seeking admission in General Quota also, should pay extra Rs.1000/-application fee once remitted will not be refunded under any circum stances. Application forms and prospectus will not be available from the Dental Colleges or from the Office of the Commissioner for Entrance Examinations.

Time And Dates– All Candidates including service candidates seeking admission to the MDS Courses should take the printout of the online application ,affix their passport size photograph (same as the one uploaded to the online application for NEET MDS-2013) in the space provided in it and get it attested by a Government Gazetted Officer and forward their completed application with all the required documents to –

The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations,
Housing Board Buildings
Thiruvananthapuram — 695 001,
Kerala India

Either by Registered Post/ Speed Post/Hand Delivery so as to reach him before 5 pm on 05.06.2013 (Wednesday).However, Service Candidates in addition should forward a copy of the completed application along with all required documents including their service details to the Controlling Officer concerned as stipulated in the prospectus, on or before 5 pm on 05.06.2013 (Wednesday).Late, defective and incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. No correspondence will be undertaken in this regard. The Commissioner for Entrance Examinations will not be responsible for any postal delay.
Last Date For Submission- 05.06.2013

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