Akshaya Lottery No. AK-111th Draw

Published on: 13 Nov, 2013
Published under: Kerala Lottery Results Updates

Akshaya Lottery No. AK-111th Draw held on 13/11/2013 At Sree Chithra Home Auditorium,Pazhavangadi, East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram.

1st Prize- Rs :2,500,000/- & 25 Sovereign
AT 454733 (Wayanad )
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-
AM 454733 ### AO 454733 ### AR 454733 ### AS 454733
2nd Prize- Rs :100,000/-
AM 838642(Thiruvananthapuram) AO 141777(Malappuram) AR 835365(Kasargode)
AS 314470(Kollam) AT 234033(Thiruvananthapuram)
3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0352 1867 2888 4373 5952
7020 8948
4th Prize- Rs. 2000/-
0746 1703 2098 3683 5489
5689 8456 8477
5th Prize- Rs 1000/-
0625 5125 5529 6142 6698
7556 7578 7702 7835 7974
9077 9675
6th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0204 0690 0972 1572 2115
2291 2302 3419 3641 3703
4203 4221 4720 5089 5307
5432 5614 6208 6362 6922
6950 6995 8359 8585 9252
7th Prize- Rs. 100/-
0021 0823 1870 1920 2659
2992 3515 4003 4050 4830
5048 5235 5883 6022 6555
7456 7969 8423 8864 9905
8th Prize- Rs. 50/-
0130 0131 0187 0316 0410
0601 0611 0615 0748 0782
0871 1028 1174 1457 1462
1787 1906 2165 2217 2229
2241 2342 2718 2767 3075
3236 3274 3346 3360 3417
3486 3638 3668 3691 3695
3730 3769 3946 4077 4099
4177 4417 4467 4501 4580
4619 4665 4729 4775 4965
5026 5058 5323 5480 5495
5658 5678 5835 5843 6108
6479 6639 6759 6940 6965
6994 7043 7095 7114 7148
7170 7257 7436 7564 7759
7878 7889 7919 8060 8231
8316 8559 8953 9097 9129
9130 9141 9210 9221 9231
9272 9317 9326 9441 9479
9526 9593 9694 9737 9938

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days.

For Claiming the Prizes and Contact Details

Prizes up to Rs. 1Lakh may be claimed from the District Lottery Offices concerned. Prize winning tickets above Rs.1 Lakh shall be surrendered before the Director of State Lotteries.

Directorate of State Lotteries
Vikas Bhavan P.O.,

Kerala – 695033.
Phone: 0471-2305193, 0471-2305230, 0471-2301741, 0471-2301740
E-mail: dirkerlot@gmail.com , keralalotteries@gmail.com

District Lottery Offices – http://www.keralalotteries.com/index.php/contact-us

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