Kerala Breaks Rainfall Record of Last Five Years in the State
5 July 2013
Monsoon that Started at the first week of June since its inception have break the past 5 years record , and Kerala has already received 118.5 cm of rainfall on an average. It is the highest amount recorded in the same period in the last five years.
Sources in the Meteorological department here said 76.5 cm of rainfall was expected in the state between June 1 and July 4 but the actual amount received has exceeded the expectation by around 55 per cent.
In 2012, Kerala had received just 54.2 cm of rainfall on the average in the same period, which was a deficit of 30 per cent. In the two years before, the rainfall was slightly above normal while in 2009 the rainfall fell short by 20 per cent in the same period.
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