RTE Act in Kerala 25% of Poor Students to be admitted in Private Schools

Published on: 13 May, 2013
Published under: Education News Kerala

12 May 2013

Kerala State Government have issued an order related to Right to Education Act in regards of providing necessary free and compulsory education to economical backward students till elementary education. With the coming academic year in Kerala RTE will be implemented in every private school in Kerala.

State govt has ordered private schools to admit at least 25% of students from weaker sections and disadvantage group of society . In the order generated by Education Department of Kerala some unaided and specified schools will  select students on random basis from the application received by children belonging to weaker section of society for filling up0 the seats in classes which will not be less than 25% of the total strength of students intake in that class.

Government have clarified that weaker section or economically backward will be those whose parents annual income will be less than Rs 60,000 , and disadvantage group category includes child belonging to SC or ST and socially and educationally backward class , orphans and with disabilities . The ratio of intake of students from weaker sections and disadvantage group will be 1:1. Government will be paying the expenditure and total expenses done on these children done by school only if there are no government or aided schools within walking distance.

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