Win- Win Lottery No. W-212th Draw

Published on: 08 Jul, 2013
Published under: Kerala Lottery Results Updates

Win- Win Lottery No. W-212th Draw held on 08/07/2013 At Sree Chithra Home Auditorium,Pazhavangadi,East Fort , Thiruvananthapuram.

1st Prize- Rs :5,000,000/-
WX 530045 (Wayanad)
Consolation Prize- Rs. 10,000/-
WU 530045 ### WW 530045 ### WY 530045 ### WZ 530045
2nd Prize- Rs :100,000/-
WU 368993(Kasargode)
3rd Prize- Rs. 5,000/-
0090 1260 1561 4078 5338
8375 9789
4th Prize- Rs. 2,000/-
0364 2744 3682 4080 5560
8548 9515 9555
5th Prize- Rs 1000/-
0908 2325 3133 3546 3706
5006 5723 6332 6469 6891
8601 9044
6th Prize- Rs. 500/-
0028 0711 1438 2205 2492
3326 3553 4070 6067 6550
6711 7002 7071 8045 8530
8939 9237 9411 9565 9845
7th Prize- Rs. 100/-

1184 1874 2086 2239 2340
2799 2876 3018 3345 3838
3887 3911 5177 5437 6534
6839 6933 7051 7854 8866
8th Prize- Rs. 50/-
0015 0035 0095 0203 0222
0356 0391 0449 0531 0592
0702 0763 0839 0849 0944
0969 0978 1198 1487 1517
1638 1684 1732 1982 1994
2006 2046 2100 2178 2189
2316 2359 2369 2372 2420
2682 2931 3215 3384 3428
3560 3742 3759 3830 3883
3958 4146 4175 4363 4370
4509 4639 4670 4698 4804
4844 5050 5151 5242 5299
5315 5463 5533 5619 5961
6091 6210 6354 6514 6649
6745 7012 7094 7165 7442
7474 7609 7645 7763 7773
8100 8119 8208 8209 8270
8313 8341 8450 8506 8507
8532 8864 8955 9212 9286
9592 9756 9893 9908 9981

The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the results published in the Kerala Government Gazatte and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days. Next Win- Win Lottery Draw will be held on 15 /07/2013 At Sree Chithra Home Auditorium,Pazhavangadi, East Fort, Thiruvananthapuram.

For Claiming the Prizes and Contact Details

Prizes up to Rs. 1Lakh may be claimed from the District Lottery Offices concerned. Prize winning tickets above Rs.1 Lakh shall be surrendered before the Director of State Lotteries.

Directorate of State Lotteries
Vikas Bhavan P.O.,
Kerala – 695033.
Phone: 0471-2305193, 0471-2305230, 0471-2301741, 0471-2301740
E-mail: ,

District Lottery Offices –

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