Kerala Agriculture Recruitment Job Notification 2014

Published on: 01 Jul, 2014
Published under: Kerala Recruitment News

Kerala Agriculture University (KAU) is looking for efficient freshers and experienced specialists of Farm Manager, Project Manager,Phytochemist, Biochemist, Tissue Culturist, Biotechnologist, Microbiologist, Pathologist, Fruit Processing Technologist, Home Scientist, Information Technologist, etc having excellent academic records, strong aptitude for R & D and long term interest at this centre to lead the R & D works at our research centre. The posts are only temporary, expected to be continued over years, on daily wage contract basis at Rs.300-400/day depending on the qualifications, experience, expertise and efficiency.

Application in prescribed word format complete in all respects alone will be considered and all communications will be through email only.

KAU Recruitment 2014 Job Description

  • Farm/Project Manager should design, set up and manage a world class experimental farm at the centre, supervise the various operations associated with the conduct of field experiments at VAFPCL,Nadukkara and oversee the overall management of the R & D activities of the research centre and report the progress regularly to the station head. Your B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees must be in Agriculture or Horticulture.
  • Phytochemist/Biochemist should be well-versed with the various analytical procedures for the quality analyses of fruits such as moisture, pH, acidity, reducing, non-reducing & total sugar, TSS, protein,fibre, fat, minerals, vitamins, aminoacids, enzymes, etc and operation of various instruments/equipment used in a chemistry lab. Phytochemist should design, set up and manage a world class Phytochemistry lab at the centre, undertake the regular analytical works in various projects, regularly provide the analytical data and prepare regular reports of various R & D projects.Your B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees must be in Analytical Chemistry, Biochemistry or closely related chemistry field.
  • Tissue culturist/Biotechnologist should design, set up and manage a world class Tissue Culture lab at the centre, undertake TC production of Banana, Pineapple and Passion fruit and achieve the target production of 30-50 thousand TC plants/year; supervise the biotechnology research work, associate with the overall management of the R & D activities of the centre and report the progress regularly to the station head. The Tissue culturist should be well-versed with the maintenance of a contamination free TC lab; various tissue culture protocols like preparation of explant, inoculation, multiplication,rooting, hardening, etc and operation of various instruments/equipment used in a Biotech lab. Your B.Sc. and
    M.Sc. must be in Biotechnology.
  • Microbiologist/Pathologist should design, set up and manage a world class Microbiology lab at the centre, culture, identify and develop control measures for the contaminating organisms in the TC lab and maintain it contamination free; supervise the microbiology research work, associate with the overall management of the R & D activities of the centre and report the progress regularly to the station head. The Microbiologist should be well-versed with agricultural microbiology protocols like isolation, culture, identification & control of microorganisms, common pathogens of tropical fruit crops & their control and operation of various instruments/equipment used in a microbiology lab. Your B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees must be in Microbiology or Plant Pathology.
  • Processing/Food Technologist should design, set up and manage a world class Fruit Processing lab with FPO registration at the centre, develop novel recipes and fruit products, undertake regular Fruit Processing tasks in various projects, regularly provide the production status and prepare regular reports of various R & D projects. Your B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees must be in Fruit Processing, Food Science/Technology, Home Science or very related field.
  • Information Technologist should have excellent proficiency in Computer system maintenance, MS Office, desk top publishing (Page maker/In design), web designing (Front page/Dream weaver),photography & photo editing (Photoshop/Corel suite), Videography & video editing (Premier) etc; should design, set up and manage a world class Information Communication System at the centre,develop and manage station events, publications and website.


Essential: Appropriate Degrees, 75% Aggregate Academic Score, Scientific and Technological Know-how, Proficiency in English, Malayalam and Computer

Desirable: 1- Proficiency in English and Malayalam typing 2- Proficiency in the operation of various specialized laboratory equipment like Gel documentation,ELISA Reader & washer, PCR, UV vis spectrophotometer, UV-Trans-illuminator, Flame photometer,Centrifuge, Microscopes, Electrophoresis, Shakers, ovens, Precision Weighing balances, Deep freezer,BOD, Laminar Air Flow, still, etc. 3- Proficiency in Computer-system maintenance, MS Office, desk top publishing (Page maker/Indesign), web designing (Front page/Dream weaver), photography & photo editing (Photoshop/Corelsuite), Videography & videoediting (Premier) etc 4-.

***Last date for receiving application: 31 July 2014

For More Details Regarding Job Notification – Click Here

For More Queries Contact Address

Tel. & Fax:0485-2260832, Mobile: 9446010905,

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