Reserve Bank of India Directives on Gold Imports faces protest

Published on: 05 Aug, 2013
Published under: Kozhikode District News

4 August 2013

The Kerala Gold and Silver Merchants Association has warned the restrictions on gold imports introduced recently by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) would not yield the intended results but instead encourage gold smuggling and hawala trading in the yellow metal.

Explaining the association’s views on the RBI order, its president B. Girirajan made it clear on Friday the main objection was to the RBI directive that 20 per cent of gold imported by banks and other recognized agencies should be kept in customs bonded warehouses and 75 per cent of the gold kept in bonded warehouses should be exported as gold jewellery. This had been made a condition for getting permission for fresh gold imports.

The RBI restriction would lead to shortage of gold in market and artificial price rise in domestic market. The decline in gold price in international market would not be reflected in local market price because of the RBI order. There was a distinct possibility of gold price rising in domestic market also. These trends in turn would lead to smuggling and black marketing and hoarding of gold, Mr. Girirajan warned.

The association pointed out the artificial rise in gold prices would help speculators make big profits. Because of the latest RBI new regulation a bank would be able to import gold only four times a year.


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