Chief Minister Oommen Chandy Second Mass Contact Start at Malappuram

Published on: 05 Nov, 2013
Published under: Malappuram District News, Politics News Kerala

5 November 2013

The second phase of Chief Minister Oommen Chandy’s mass contact programme on the MSP Grounds in Mallapuram on Monday evoked an enthusiastic response from the people.

Several thousands turned up to unburden their woes before the Chief Minister, who patiently listened to them and offered them solace and on-the-spot solutions in many cases.

Dozens of complainants who came seeking Mr. Chandy’s help were physically challenged or ailing. They were brought in ambulances, jeeps, cars and autorickshaws. MLAs and civic officials were at the side of Mr. Chandy as he spoke to the people.

The Chief Minister distributed over Rs. 3.5 crore to the ailing. About Rs. 75 lakh was distributed to the needy within two hours after Mr. Chandy started the programme at 8.45 a.m. The Chief Minister continued to accept complaints from the people through the evening.

More than 17,000 complaints were received in this district with the largest population in the State. Of the 10,171 complaints collected by the administration in advance, 4,217 were resolved at the district level. When 3,345 complaints were referred for follow-up action, 2,609 were rejected on the ground that they did not follow the guidelines.

The Chief Minister personally examined 380 of them, which were selected through a scrutiny led by District Collector K. Biju. Mr. Chandy directly received 7,112 complaints from the people on Monday, which were referred for follow-up action. Of the 3,879 applications for various benefits from the Civil Supplies Department, 2,467 families were issued BPL (below poverty line) ration cards. District Supply Officer K.M. James said the district would now need an additional quantity of 62 tonnes of rice, 23 tonnes of wheat and 10 tonnes of sugar. Mr. James said 107 applications were referred for follow-up action. As many as 63 officials of the Civil Supplies Department, including six taluk supply officers and 24 rationing inspectors, offered their service at the Chief Minister’s programme. More than 1,000 officials participated. Elaborate security arrangements were made in view of the LDF protest.


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